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Misty Slope

Stream mesocosms at the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute

TNACI Large Systems: Welcome

The Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute hosts 4 replicate Living Streams indoors with a controlled climate and natural photoperiod.

Designed as part of the construction of the TNACI propagation space, they provide unparalleled manipulative research opportunities.

Each ex-situ mesocosm has three pools connected by two riffles. They are independent recirculating replicates with control of temperature and flow.

TNACI Large Systems: About

Natural substrate

We simulated natural stream substrates by mixing sand and gravel and dispersing it throughout the enclosures. Large cover rocks were added to each pool. Riffles were created by adding numerous cobble and large rocks to vary the flow within these shallow sections.

Simplified substrate

We simulated an armored stream channel downstream of small dams. Small dams capture clay, sand, and other substrate materials and prevent their downstream transport. This starves downstream habitats of sediment and minimizes the availability of refuge and bed substrate for spawning and other life history functions. We simulated this condition by removing all the sand and gravel. We left the large boulders in the pools and simulated exposed bedrock in the riffles by adding flat tiles.

TNACI Large Systems: What We Do
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